
Rural Opioid Technical Assistance
The purpose of the NeC-ROTAC is to develop and disseminate training and technical assistance addressing opioid, stimulant, and other substance use disorders affecting rural communities. NeC-ROTAC teams facilitate the identification of model programs, develop and update materials related to the prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery activities for substance use disorders, and ensure that high quality training and technical assistance is provided when addressing these issues.

Training and technical assistance services delivered within HHS Region 2 will be targeted in geographical catchment areas defined as rural in accordance with these criteria: (1) federal definitions for metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas (OMB); (2) federal definitions for rural counties (Rural-Urban Continuum Codes [RUCCs]); (3) federal definitions for rural census tracts (Rural-Urban Community Area Codes [RUCAs]); (4) federal definitions for county economic dependence types (Economic Research Service [ERS] County Typology Codes); and (5) pop. density